Monday, September 29, 2014


 It is something I know, but I often forget! He gave practically everything for me! How can I repay this?!?! The simple answer is that I cannot, but I can try.
I think we forget that as Christians. We thank God and accept that we can never repay Him. Then, we move on, but that is not how we should respond to the amazing grace that God decided to grant us. We should spend our entire lives trying to repay Him, not that it is a gift that needs to be repaid, but that gift should lead is to a spirit of thankfulness and worship that leads us to tell others about Him. It should lead us to live everyday doing whatever we little humans can do to serve an infinitely wonderful and great God.
That's not to say that God will tell us we're not enough, but when we truly have the Holy Spirit living within us, it should push us to do ALL we can possibly do to God's glory and to further His Kingdom.
So many times, I have told myself that I don't do enough, but then again half of the people on this planet don't. If we did, if we lived in abandon for God, if we had this inexplicable fire inside of us, Christians would turn this country, possibly even the world upside down! I truly believe we would.
I don't know where your heart is. I can't, only God can. I will tell you, though, that as for me, I am going to do my part to turn the world upside down in the name of my Almighty God!!! I can just pray that God will lead you to join me!

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