Friday, March 7, 2014

What is great?

"Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great. Some achieve greatness. And some have greatness thrust upon them."
This is a quote by William Shakespeare. I recently came across it and started to ponder it, thinking about what truly makes a person great. Is it the way they dress? The way they speak? Their social status? How good they are at sports? Or how much money they have?
Our society puts so much pressure on people to be GREAT! But the thing is, no one seems to know exactly what true greatness is.
This isn't one of those posts that I just share my opinion on things. I want you to form your own opinion also and this is to give you a little bit of food for thought.
I will tell you this though. I believe a person is great once they find their identity, discover their purpose and then accomplish it. This can only come from one source and that's Christ. He is the only one I can put my full trust in and who has a plan for me.
One of my favorite songs (in which God is talking to us) says, "I have a plan for you. I have a plan for you. It's gonna be wild. It's gonna be GREAT! It's gonna be full of me."
God already has us planned for greatness, so why don't you just let Him take the reins and let Him lead you on the amazing journey He has planned for you!

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