Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Surrender is Hard

Okay, I've gotta be completely honest with you. I am a sinful, sinful creature and I know it. I try hard to do the right thing and resist temptation, but I find my self failing most of the time.
This past weekend at Woodlands Camp (one of my favorite places in the world) we did an extensive study on Proverbs 3:5-6. We talked about what it really means to trust God and what it looks like to surrender everything to Him so that He will have control over your life. Let me tell you, it is not easy. Giving your life to someone that you've never seen can't be easy. One of my leaders used this analogy: it is easy to give up your phone or something to your parents because you can see them and you know that you'll probably eventually get it back, but when you surrender something to God, you can't physically hand over something to someone that you can see and you probably won't get it back. That is difficult for my heart to accept. I struggle daily with surrender to God and His plan for my life. I cannot tell you how hard it is for me, especially when I am trying to surrender my future and my thoughts. 
I try everyday to remind myself that it is all about "God's plan, not mine". I follow this pretty well until it comes to choosing a college or thinking about my future career. I find it harder and harder to trust God with this as the time draws nearer and nearer for me to choose. 
God deserves our complete devotion though! He deserves for us to love Him and worship Him with all that we do. I can only do this as long as I am following His plan for my life. One of my leaders told me a while ago that as long as we follow God's will for our life, He will start to reveal His specific plan for our lives. I believe this to be true. So, no matter what happens, I will strive to DAILY surrender my future, my plan, my thoughts, and my EVERYTHING to God!!!

~ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.~