Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Relationships and dating- a Derek Griz inspired post

At my church, West Park Baptist Church, we have been going through a relationship series taught by our faithful youth pastor, Derek Griz. I want to spend a little bit of time just talking about how I view dating and boys.....
I've never been in a relationship with a guy, NOT ONCE! And you wanna know something? I don't want to. I am a seventeen year old girl and I don't necessarily want to date anyone. Do you know how rare that is? I am some sort of alien from another planet at my church because I don't want to date. I've always been that way. On some sort of level, I've always distanced myself from guys. Let me tell you why!
I was always told as a child that boys were gross  from my peers and, on occasion, my dad. Then I got older and I will admit, I expressed a little interest in guys, but I knew the rule around my house was no dating. My parents never set an age where we could start dating and the rule was there to protect us, not limit us. Because of this rule, I pretty much decided that it was more worth while to just be friends with guys then to like them. As a result of this, I found out that guys can make some ROCKIN friends. Now, most guys that would be great guys to date are people that I see as potential BEST friends. This is another great thing for me.
This means I am already on my way to always being friends with a guy before dating. This is one of the smartest things you can do. I actually had a conversation with Derek in which he said that being friends with a guy is great and if it grows into something more, that is fantastic. I share this view.
I have also decided to let God be in control of my relationship life. So many times, recently, I have said that I don't want to get married, but that is not the attitude I should have. I should instead say, "God if you bring someone into my life, I am going to thank you for it and then I'll know when they're the one as long as I'm constantly praying about it." I should have an attitude of gratitude to God when he decides that he wants me to start dating and meeting potential life partners.
Courting. My parents always described it to my more as just hanging out with the other person's family and with your friends rather than being alone with one another. This doesn't mean you can't go on dates. It's just a much safer way to get to know each other, and honestly, when I get married, I want my husbands family to ALREADY be like my family. Courting is the way I'm gonna go, at least by my parents definition. 
My advice to myself and all people my age: "Run as fast as you can towards God, and if someone else keeps up, introduce yourself!" God should always be first in ANY relationship.
P.S. Also, this is a promise that I'm making to all you boys out there. I am going to try, from now on, not to guy bash. I have had a very hard time with and I realize that I do it a lot more than I mean to. I'm not promising that I won't do it anymore or I won't do it in jest, but I am going to try to do it a lot less. I am also giving you permission to hold me to my word on this, but please do be patient with me. I probably am doing it more out of love than anything else more times than not.

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