Sunday, August 28, 2016

NOT Your Basic College Post

There are so many things I could say about my college experience thus far. I could talk about how much I love the whole college experience. I could give you a top ten list of why you should still stay connected to and friends with your former roommate, but I am not going to talk about that. Yes, I am going to talk about Bryan College. But instead of it being about the school, my experience here, or any of the typical things you find in a college blog post, I am going to discuss the location of Bryan.
Now, anyone who is reading this who has ever even just visited Bryan knows that it is set atop a hill, in the midst of mountains and in a beautiful spot in quaint Dayton, Tennessee. The view is always great, and the sunsets are magnificent. I cannot convey how spectacularly Bryan was placed where it is.
On my first day of classes here, I took a break to walk down my hall. Now, I live in the top floor of my building. Out the front window of the hall, there is the triangle. The view out the back window is quite different, though. So, as I was looking at the rolling Tennessee hills out the back window I spotted a house, just a single house, situated perfectly on one of the hills, almost as if the hill had been built around the home. Then, my musings turned to Bryan and how we say we are on the hill, quite literally. And I thought of the words of Jesus: "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden." 
Never could a verse be more perfect for Bryan College. This school is a small city, and as Christians, we are all individually called to be lights in this world. Bryan College is a unique and special place to be. We have the unique opportunity to form and solidify our beliefs and theology, all while we are learning more and more about it day by day. We have the opportunity to learn in a place where God is glorified in the things the professors teach. Bryan college gives us a safe place to grow and learn.
Bryan also gives us the opportunity to reach out into the community we have been placed in. We get the chance to be the light in Dayton, Rhea County, and surrounding areas. On campus, we have a  group called PCI (Practical Christian Involvement). Through it, we are connected to various service opportunities and able to participate in things that interest us, but are also compelled to be a light to the community God has put us in.
I believe God put Bryan on a hill in Dayton, Tennessee for a reason. I believe God desires to be glorified through this school and I know he wants us to shine His light in Dayton. So, as I enter into the new school year, it was quite revealing that God called Bryan's location to my attention and quite convicting to realize that this community needs God.

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